IVORYWINGS ..........................................

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This is my sister's, Brother, Mum and Dad and the rest of my family
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Michelle and Family

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This is Michelle
Michelle your a gem and a good one at that

This rememinds me of you chellie strong, fair and gentle when the nees rises

Michelle works with my daughter and has became a close and vauled member of a very close  family over the last year. Michelle ickle one Kyle calls me granny which I think is great and it's an honour to be called I love kyle he  is just a typical two year old boy . Michelle hun the pleasure been all mine,  Michelle you have a heart of gold please do not change for anyone you just be yourself and you will always be loved.

kirsty not all there yet

This is Michelle oldest she is thirteen and the whole world owes her a living lol just a typical young 13 year old she will grown up some day soon  lol
love you really kirsty

This is Kyle
Kyle is two and he is a wee monkey